New Year Improvements
- Updated the Courtesy Log limit for the annual dollar amount that can be spent on Physicians to $416 for the 2019 year. This is a software add-on that is available to help your company stay compliant with STARK laws.
- Continued User Activity tracking for more responsive and effective development to the areas of the application that clients are using the most. This will continue throughout the new year as we learn more and more about what workflows are most and least used.
- We will be moving the Reports Tab reports run in the background of the application. We’ll start with the Current Monitored Providers with Color Result. This shift has already happened for several Corporate Dashboard reports as well as the Provider, Caution, and Monitor Tab reports. The users will be able to run the reports and navigate to other areas of the application to continue their work while a large file is processing. This will also allow users to queue up multiple reports at the same time, and each report will be more performant. We will moving more reports in that tab to the background over the coming weeks.
PP v5.16.0 Release Notes 1/21/19