Report Updates
We continue to build out functionality in our new Unique ID functionality in Passport. This year we’ve released new options to be able to enter in and monitor provider populations that you do not have an SSN for. In the past, this was a significant limiting factor in Passport. There are now options to monitor those providers for Exclusions, License Verification, and Opt Out services. We have expanded functionality to be able to add providers manually in addition to bulk loading by file. Current clients are able to shift to sending a Unique Identifier for their populations other than SSN to maintain a clear system of communicating additions and changes needed to your population. If you have any populations that are not currently being monitored in Passport, that you’d like to shift to Passport, please contact for more information!
The Cautions/Expires Tab Export now includes the license/certificate number as a new column. Any license numbers or entered certificate numbers will now be displayed along with all the other corresponding information like name, expiration date, and requirement rules. This is available on both the PDF and .XLSX versions of the report.
Bug Fix - We resolved an issue in the Cautions/Expires Tab where it was not always clear which specific issuers for a license would satisfy the requirements set up by your leadership. The issuer list is now more clearly narrowed down for ease of use.
PP v5.25.0 Release Notes