NPI Upgrades
NPI Numbers can now be added to providers in Passport! For individuals who hold an NPI, that information can now be added to their records. This NPI information can help improve our ability to search and verify exclusions and other disciplinary action against the provider. NPI can be added via Provider File or manually when adding or editing a provider. The new profile file format has been added to update NPI for providers in bulk. Provider File specs can be found here: Create Provider Upload File Using SSN
This upgraded file format can be put into implementation immediately to open up the ability to add NPIs automatically when your system of record records the number.
NPI has been added to the list of search filters for narrowing down providers and is displayed on the Provider Tab export and All Providers report in the Report Tab.
Expired License Alerts - Passport has fixed a small inconsistency in how we report Expired Licenses. When a license in Passport is being monitored against the primary source, and the exact day of expiration arrives, Passport was generating a Red Alert one day too early. Now that alert will wait until the first day after the expiration date to alert the Monitor Tab Red.
Example License:
Tennessee Registered Nurse - Expiration Date: 7/31/2019
On 7/30/19 - Green Active
On 7/31/19 - Red Expired (bug fixed so this will show as Green Active until the next day)
On 8/1/2019 - Red Expired
Provider Tab Export Correction - The Provider Tab export contains a column for Discipline ID. This is designed to list our Passport language for the code referencing a discipline (Ex. DIS-0021). However, it was displaying Discipline Name (Ex. Registered Nurse) instead. This has been corrected, and the code is now available in that column. Clients can use this code for mapping back into your systems and/or on import files of providers coming into the application.