If you've received this error message on a recent file upload, it's due to having two employees with the same social security number in Passport. As we use the social security number as the unique identifier for each individual in Passport, when more than one individual exists with the same social, Passport is unsure which record requires updating. This likely occurred if your team was attempting to add individuals in monitoring manually by keying in their data as well as uploading files. For this reason, we recommend that your team sticks to one process. If choosing to manually key in your provider data, please be sure to audit your population occasionally by pulling a report of all providers to ensure no one is duplicated.
Troubleshooting this issue on your own can be difficult. Best practice would be to contact the client care support team. Support is able to pull a report of all providers including their full social security numbers to identify which providers are in Passport more than once with the same social security number.
You can contact support at support@providertrust.com, call 615-938-7878 ext 1 or send us a message through the support widget in the bottom right corner.