To upload an integration file in Passport, sign in and navigate to Integration > File Submission. Click Upload File, select the data type (default: Provider Data), and ensure the file is a .csv. Once uploaded, the file appears under Incoming Files while processing. Processed files will move to Processed Files and Results, with skipped rows detailed in a summary report via the View Results button. Failed files appear under Error Files and Results with errors listed for review. For assistance with corrections, email
Upload Integration File
Sign in to Passport > "Integration" > "File Submission"
Click the "Upload File" to begin the upload process.
Choose your data type. It will default to "Provider Data" which is the most common upload. Import mode should stay in "Add/Update" unless advised otherwise during implementation or by your client care support team.
Choose the file to upload. Be sure to upload a comma separated value (.csv). Click the "Upload File" to begin upload process.
Your file will be found under "Incoming files" while Passport processes the data. Once the processing is complete, your file being listed either with the Processed files or the Error files. Depending on the size of your file, the processing can take a several minutes to hours to successfully upload.
Processed Files
Once processed, your file will appear under the "Processed Files and Results" heading. Your file may be fully processed (i.e. no rows skipped) or partially processed (i.e. some rows of data were skipped). Passport will skip rows with invalid data and present a summary report of which rows were skipped and why via the View Results Button that is found on your file's line.
In addition, your dedicated Integration Alert recipient(s) will also receive an email summary indicating that the import was successful or the import was successful, but some rows were skipped. If rows were skipped, please log into Passport and review the results to see where corrections need to be made.
Failed Files
If an entire file fails, it will appear under the "Errors Files and Results" heading at the bottom. You will want to click the View Results Button that is found on your file's line to see a list of errors on your file.
If you are unclear on how to fix an error, please reach out to who can assist you.