This article provides guidelines for mass uploading or editing facilities in the Passport system using a file. Each facility requires at least one unit to be visible in the system. Clients can manage facility uploads themselves or request assistance from support. Required fields include Organization ID, Facility Integration ID, Facility Name, and State, with optional fields for alternate names, addresses, contact info, and more. Files must be in CSV or PSV format. For corporate dashboard views or license notification settings, contact support for assistance.
Important note: every facility requires at least one unit before it can be visible within your system! Unit File specifications can be found here: Create a Unit Upload File. Please contact support with any questions.
In addition, if you are using a corporate dashboard, make sure to add it to your view based dashboard (How Do I Create A New Corporate Dashboard View?) or Hierarchy Dash (Create a Hierarchy File).
If your organization has expiring license notification emails set up for your team members, please reach out to support to ensure that they will be applied to your new facility.
File specs are below. CSV or PSV format are accepted.
Column |
Notes |
Organization ID | Required: This numerical ID is assigned by ProviderTrust and identifies the specific organization the facility will be added to. See your Client Success Leader for this field (Ex. 30665) |
Facility integration ID | Required: Client specified input identifier for each facility. This field will be used in Provider Files identifying the facility (Ex. EP0038) |
Facility name | Required: The visible Facility name users will see when logging into ProviderTrust (Ex. East Home Health) |
Alternate facility name | Optional: Client jargon or alternate name for a facility (Ex. East River Location) |
Address 1 | Optional: Address Line 1 for facility (Ex. 124 Main St) |
Address2 | Optional: Address Line 2 for facility (Ex. Suite 24) |
City | Optional: City of facility (Ex. Nashville) |
State | Required: State of facility. Two digit value for US State (Ex. TN) |
Zip | Optional: Zip Code of facility. 5 or 9 digit number (Ex. 37203) |
Country | Optional: Country of facility. (Ex. US) |
URL | Optional: URL of facility website (Ex. |
Contact | Optional: Free form contact info like telephone or manager for facility. Stored with facility, does not automate any emails or notifications (Ex. 615-728-2774) |
Invitation Code | Optional: Used only if client is using the Verifications Tab for employee entered credentials. This is a unique ID that can be later used. (Ex. 77266) |
Download the sample file below