This article details how to create new units in bulk using the sample unit file template provided. Key required fields include Org ID (assigned by Passport), Facility Integration ID (identifying the facility), Unit Integration ID (unique to the unit), and Unit Name (visible in Passport). Optional fields include Invitation Code for employee credentials and State for location-specific units. To delete units, use “delete” only after removing associated providers. Ensure notifications apply to new facilities by contacting support.
Please download the sample unit file template at the bottom of this web page.
If your organization has expiring license notification emails set up for your team members, please reach out to support to ensure that they will be applied to your new facility.
The following identifies all required and optional fields:
Column |
Notes |
Org_id |
Required: This numerical ID is assigned by Passport automatically and identifies the specific organization the facility will be added to. |
Facility Integration ID |
Required: Every unit is assigned to a specific facility. This field requires the client specified identifier that was selected to be used for each facility. |
Unit Integration ID |
Required: The unique identifier for a unit. This selection will be what is referenced on the Provider File to indicate the unit that a provider belongs to. |
Unit Name |
Required: The visible Unit name for the unit. This selection will be what users will see when logging into Passport, and when exporting reports from Passport |
Invitation Code |
Optional: Used only if client is using the software configuration for inviting individual healthcare employees to the application for the purposes of adding their personal credentials. This software selection would be identified during contract and onboarding processes. |
State |
Optional: Two digit state abbreviation. Only needed when the unit needs to be identified with a different state than the facility. |
delete |
Optional: Used when a client needs to bulk delete units from a facility.
The lowercase value “delete” can be specified to indicate a deletion of the unit. Units can only be deleted once all the providers have been removed from them. This will likely be used during major configuration changes.
Ex: delete |
Download the sample file below