If you receive a file results summary that states Multiple Mappings exist on your provide file, this article will walk you through the steps to solve it.
1. Go to Integration Mappings under the Integration Tab.
Please note: If you use the Corporate Dashboard, you must first go to a facility dashboard page.
2. From the Integration Mappings page, toggle over to the Discipline Tab.
3. In Facility Code search for the code used on your provider file that failed for multiple mappings and press Search to see a list of all codes that include your search criteria.
4. Once you've completed your search, identify which is the correct mapping. It is important that only one mapping record exists or file failures will automatically occur. In the below example, the Not Mapped record will need to be deleted since the correct mapping is to the General Discipline.
5. Click OK to delete the extra mapping and re-submit the file.
If you have any questions, please contact support@providertrust.com or 615-938-7878 ext. 1.