Faster Imports
We've released some improvements to how we import Credential Files into Passport to speed up import time by as much as 75%! This means not only will you see your files process faster, but we'll begin monitoring credentials sooner. Once files have finished processing, we sent a confirmation email to the distribution list of contacts for your organization. If you need to confirm those recipients or make changes to the distribution list, please contact our Support Team.
Fewer File Failures
We've heard your feedback about opportunities for the files to not fully fail for a minor data issue on one row, and we are taking some meaningful steps towards re-evaluating what data fields are causing files to fail.
- Gender - In the past, we only accepted three values for gender, both in Provider files and through manual provider additions: Unspecified, Female, and Male. Any value beyond that would have failed your file or stopped you from saving a provider manually. Now we have expanded this field to allow any text you'd like to be entered, similar to several other free text fields in the provider profile like Job Title and Company Dept ID.
Full provider file specs can be found below based on your data import format.
How To: Create a Provider File Using A Unique ID
How To: Create Provider Upload File Using SSN
PP v7.27.0