The Reports tab in ProviderTrust is your go-to resource for detailed insights into monitoring and compliance activities. You can download reports in PDF or XLSX formats to track provider data, compliance updates, and license or certification expirations. Key report categories include Operational Reports (e.g., All Providers, Compliance Letter), Monitoring Reports (e.g., Current Monitoring Issues, Historical Monitored Providers), and Expiration Reports (e.g., licenses or certifications expiring in 30, 60, or 90 days). If you use a Corporate Dashboard, simply select an individual facility to access the Reports tab and get the data you need.
Here's a summary of each report that can be downloaded from ProviderTrust:
Operational Reports
- Compliance Letter: A customized PDF overview of the contracted services we are providing for your organization. This includes all of the sources we are monitoring for you, direct links to those sources, and the verification frequency.
- All Providers Report: Includes a listing of demographic data for all providers monitored in the ProviderTrust system. The data points in this report are Last Name, First Name, Middle Name, Discipline, Unit, NPI, Monitoring Start Date, and Termination Date.
- 30-Day Change Report: This contains a list of licenses and certifications that have been updated in each record over the last 30 days. It also lists the user who made the update.
- All Licenses: Contains a list of all the licenses that have been uploaded for your organization.
- All Certifications: Contains a list of all the Certifications that have been uploaded for your organization.
Monitoring Reports
- Current Monitoring Issues Report: Contains a list of employees with disciplinary issues in the monitor tab, including any with a red or yellow status for license verification, sanction/exclusion, or SSN regardless of progress status.
- Current Monitored Providers Report: Lists providers currently monitored, with unit, discipline, monitoring package, start date, and overall progress status.
- Historical Monitored Providers Report: Allows you to pick a past date and pull a report of everyone who was in monitoring on that date. It includes unit, discipline, monitor package, start/end date, birth date, and passport ID numbers for each provider.
- Current Monitored Providers With Color Result Report: Lists all providers currently being monitored. It includes unit, discipline, monitoring package, start date, overall result color status, and current overall progress status for each provider.
- Current Monitored Licenses: Includes a list of all the monitored licenses entered in your ProviderTrust system.
- Single Provider Compliance Report: Allows you to select any current or past employee, and export a PDF summarizing all of their monitoring in the system, including their color statuses, details on any exclusions, sanctions, or license alerts and notes.
- Exclusion Attestation Summary: This commonly requested report allows you to pull a report for proof of exclusion monitoring for the entire organization or specific facility, during a specific timeframe of your choosing and the monitoring results.
- CMS Provider Audit Report: This report meets specific CMS guidelines to use during audits which will highlight a particular provider, their alert results and the date the exclusion lists were checked. This report is only valid for providers actively being monitored for exclusions.
Expiration Reports
- 30-Day License & Certification Report: Includes all providers with licenses or certificates expiring in the next 30 days. It includes the number, type, state-issued and expiration date of every expiring license or certification.
- 31-60 Day License & Certification Report: Includes a list of all employees with licenses or certificates expiring in the next 31-60 days. It includes the number, type, state, and expiration date of each item.
- 61-90 Day License & Certification Report: Includes a list of all employees with licenses or certificates expiring in the next 61-90 days. This report includes the number, type state issued, and expiration date of every expiring license or certification.
If you require a specific report that you do not see here, please reach out to or at 615-938-7878 ext 1.