Passport allows users to schedule reports that are automatically emailed on chosen days, providing key insights directly to your inbox. This article covers how to set up scheduled reports across different tabs, including Providers, Cautions, Hierarchy Dashboard, and Monitor. Learn how to customize filters, select report frequency, and manage scheduled emails through the Settings tab. Whether tracking expiring credentials, monitoring provider details, or reviewing alerts, the process ensures quick access to actionable data. You can also edit or delete schedules anytime for flexible reporting needs.
- Scheduling Reports from the Providers Tab
- Scheduling Reports from the Cautions Tab
- Scheduling Reports from the Hierarchy Dashboard
- Scheduling Reports from the Monitor Tab
- Edit / Delete Schedule Reports
In order to schedule the email initially, navigate to the type of export you wish to make, and set your filters in order to represent which facility, view, node, expiring status, provider name, etc. you want to view on the report.
Scheduling a report from the Cautions/Expires Tab:
For reports with credentials that are missing, expiring or expired.
- Begin by logging in and clicking on the Cautions / Expires Tab from the Corporate or Facility Dashboard.
- Choose the criteria you wish to reflect in the report using the filters. Examples of criteria you might select:
- Missing credentials
- Expiring within 30 days
- Expired
- Once you've chosen the criteria you wish to reflect on your report, scroll to the bottom of the page and click Export >Schedule Email
- Select the dates you wish to receive this report and the subject line of the email. Once you press Save you will be automatically taken to the Settings tab to review all emails that you have scheduled.
To schedule a report from the Provider Tab:
For reports with your providers in active monitoring including details such as last 4 of social, company user id, job code, job title, discipline and license information.
- Toggle to the Provider Tab from the Corporate or Facility Dashboard. You can filter to a specific group of providers or leave as is for all providers.
- Once you choose your filters, scroll to the bottom right hand side and click Export > Schedule Email.
- Next, select the dates and subject line for the email you will be scheduling. Once you press Save, you will automatically be taken to the Settings tab to review the previously scheduled emails to make any updates.
To schedule a report from the Hierarchy Dashboard
- You will be prompted to select the days of the week you wish to receive the report and title the subject of the email.
- Once you press Save, you will be taken to the Settings tab to review the emails you have already scheduled.
To Schedule A Report from the Monitor Tab
To schedule a report from the monitoring tab, begin by using the search filters to find the types of alerts you wish to filter to your inbox. Some examples of filters to use:
- Result Status: Red/Yellow, Progress Status: Needs Review, Last Updated: 1 Day
- Result Status: Red, Severity: Exclusions - All, Last Updated 7 days
- Result Status: Red/Yellow, Progress Status: In Progress, Severity: Licenses - All
Once you choose the types of filters, you will scroll to the bottom of the page, click Export and select Schedule Email.
You will then select which day(s) of the week you wish to receive this report and the subject line for the email. Once you press Save you will automatically be sent to the Settings tab to review all scheduled alerts.
Edit / Delete Schedule Reports
All emails are sent on the morning on the specified day of the week and will continue each day/week unless you delete the scheduled email from Settings Tab.
Once you receive the email, you will get a high-level accounting of how many people or items match your saved filter, and you will have a link to navigate you into the system to review the details of the data securely. You can dive directly into the information within the application or export to take offline.
You can View, Edit, or Delete your scheduled emails within the Settings Tab. You can edit the days of the week and the subject line from the Settings Tab. If you want to schedule a new report with different filters, go to the tab that holds the information to setup a new scheduled report with the items you wish to detail. You can delete any previously scheduled email through the Settings Tab.