If you've recently failed a file due to a new unit or you wish to proactively add new units to a facility in Passport, you can either upload a unit file or manually add the new unit into Passport.
To add a new unit, you must begin by going to the Facility Dashboard from the Corporate Dashboard for the facility who requires a new unit or you must select the facility you wish to view from the drop down menu in the top right hand corner.
Once you are on the facility dashboard, hover over the Dashboard tab to Facility Profile. Click into Facility Profile and scroll down to Units at the bottom. Click Add to begin adding new Unit.
Unit Name will reflect in Passport and in your reporting.
ProviderTrust Code represents the code you will place on the file in Unit 1. This can be the same or different as the Unit Name.
State is a mandatory field.
Important: You may need to select tags based on your organization's requirements. If you are unsure if you need to include a tag for a new unit, please reach out to support@providertrust.com or 615-938-7878 ext 1.
Press OK and you will have successfully added your new unit.